Pekaka MasterRoom Looking for Male
Roomz listings are created by individual users. When negotiating rental contract, be sure to verify property ownership and speak directly with the landlord.
Sharing : rm 275 master room (per pax/ satu orang)
- Room for Male only
- Price including Utility : water & electricity
- Middle Room, Master Bedroom & Normal Rooms
- Sharing with others
- Convenience due to surrounded by Mini Market, Laundry, Tesco, 7 Eleven and Kedai Kopi and more...
- Tenants live together with harmony.
- 100% SAFE, many USM students & workers living around.
- Peaceful Environment, many tenants stayed and their feedback all very good!!!
- Kindly contact us for Viewing : 0 1 3 4 6 7 2 3 1 9
MK 0134672319 -
- Penang > Sungai Dua > Taman Perkaka > Taman Pekaka
- 3 bedroom 2 bath apartment
- Only Male
- Prefer Male
Room photos
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