Exclusive (Fully furnished) Savanna Executive Suite
Roomz listings are created by individual users. When negotiating rental contract, be sure to verify property ownership and speak directly with the landlord.
Fully furnished service apartment
-3 beds with mattress
-Vinyl Flooring
-Apartment is equipped with TV, washing machine, electric stove, kitchen cabinet, shoe cabinet.
Facilities: Swimming Pool, Children’s Wading Pool, Aqua Gym, Jacuzzi, Gymnasium, Playground, Nursery Area, Multipurpose Hall, Barbecue Area and Maze Garden
- 3 KM to Bangi KTM
-19 KM to KL City
-10 mins to Sg Besi Toll
2 months rental deposit
Half month utility deposit
If interested, please call me at 012-4199014 (Sarah)
(Rental negotiable) -
- Selangor > Bangi > Savanna Executive Suite
- 3 bedroom 2 bath apartment
- All welcome
Room photos
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